Sunday, July 26, 2009

Lets take a look

We have a Government that has a set of rules to follow, that set of rules is known as the Constitution. No the Constitution does not apply to the Citizens, it is the basis, the foundation of our Government, a Republic (not a democracy). When our Government follows the rules set fourth to it, it is the best form of Government known to man. Why you ask? well What is the purpose of a government? To reform our PRIVATE health care? To Tell PRIVATE automobile manufactures how to run their business? To bail out PRIVATE banks? To give a PRIVATE bank the permission to counterfeit fiat money? (yes the Federal Reserve is a PRIVATE bank not a part of the federal government, that means a few private men control OUR way of life and Congress is supposed to punish counterfeiters) Is this what a government is supposed to do? Maybe if it is a Communist government, oh wait, it is one of those.

No the purpose of our Government is to protect our Life, Liberty and, as the Founding Fathers like to say, Pursuit of Happiness, but I like Property instead. Allow me to explain. The rights that the Constitution protects, not grants, are unalienable rights. So what does that mean? The rights I speak of are inherent in us, they are as much a part of us as our fingers, toes, hair etc. They cannot be separated from us much like blue cannot be sucked out of the sky, but where do we get them? When the Creator gave us our body, we were essentially given property because we own our bodies, which means we inherit the rights that come with that property. So now it is easier to understand why we have a right to freedom of speech, religion, and choice as well as others that directly relate to our bodies, like defense. We have a right and duty to protect ourselves from harm inflicted by others. Lets take this a step further, now we own land. With land comes more rights, some the same and some that are different. One of those rights is to allow certain and refuse others the PRIVILEGE of using your land. (this can go for your body too) Now with,out government one would have to stay on their land at all times to enforce the rules, there by limiting their freedom of movement. So lets elect a Sheriff. Now we can move about freely, leaving our land, knowing that there is a form of Government protecting our property which in turn protects our freedoms.

This is the role of the American Government, a very limited role. The Constitution is only 7 articles long, the first three establish the Legislative, Executive, and Judicial branches. The Constitution is not a political view, or partisan in anyway. It is a set of rules that our elected officials swear to uphold and follow when they take their offices. Once these officials steer off course, it is the job of WE THE PEOPLE, who lent them the power, to steer them in the right direction. In the case of a government getting to big, oppressing the people, and breaking the rules, it is then the right and duty of the PEOPLE to protect their property, take up arms to alter or abolish the current government, and establish a new government, but only after first making every attempt to peacefully restore the beautiful Republic that America is supposed to be. This is where the Continental Congress '09 comes in.

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